
Ysgol Y ByneaFirm Foundations, High Standards


Welcome toYsgol Y ByneaFirm Foundations, High Standards

Additional Learning Needs

Welsh Assembly Government ALN Information

We want to transform expectations, experiences and outcomes for children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN).

To do so, we have developed the additional learning needs (ALN) transformation programme, which transforms the separate systems for special educational needs (SEN) in schools and learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD) in further education, to create a unified system for supporting learners from 0 to 25 with ALN.


The transformed system will:

• ensure that all learners with ALN are supported to overcome barriers to learning and achieve their full potential

• improve the planning and delivery of support for learners from 0 to 25 with ALN, placing learners’ needs, views, wishes and feelings at the heart of the process

• focus on the importance of identifying needs early and putting in place timely and effective interventions which are monitored and adapted to ensure they deliver the desired outcomes.


New legislation and statutory guidance is only one aspect, albeit a fundamental one, of the wider package of reforms needed.

The ALN transformation programme also focuses on skills development for the education workforce, to deliver effective support to learners with ALN in the classroom, as well as easier access to specialist support, information, and advice.

The links provided below will take you to the Welsh Assembly Government documents and information.

Important Documents

Person Centred Planning Approach

At Ysgol y Bynea we use a Person Centred Planning approach to all our reviews, meetings and planning for pupils with ALN. 

The link below will explain what Person Centred Planning means, how to prepare and what to expect.
