
Ysgol Y ByneaFirm Foundations, High Standards


Welcome toYsgol Y ByneaFirm Foundations, High Standards

Year 1


Class Team

Miss Victoria Lewis (Class Teacher)

Mrs Lindsey Daly (Teaching Assistant)


Welcome to our Class page!  Here, you will be able to find useful information and learn about all the fun things we will be doing, both in and outside of the classroom, this term.  I am really excited to share all of our adventures with you!  


Summer Term:

Stomp, crash, roar!  Watch out everyone - the animals are on the prowl because our new topic is...




Paws, Claws and Whiskers - Parent and Carer Information



School uniform is a green school polo shirt and sweatshirt/sweatshirt cardigan.  Please make sure all uniform has your child’s name clearly written on the labels and it would be extremely helpful if you could also label other items such as coats, water bottles, fruit, snack pots and lunch boxes, as the children are not always sure what belongs to them and we often find that certain items are quite popular.


PE Kits:

For PE lessons, children will need suitable footwear, a t-shirt and either shorts, joggers or leggings.  I would be grateful if you could label all clothing items and place them in a bag, which also has their name on.  PE kits will be kept in school and returned home every half-term for washing.  As it is now the summer term, hopefully the weather will be nicer so we will be having PE outside.  I would be grateful, if you can ensure that your child either wears a pair of trainers/suitable footwear to school every Thursday, for our PE session, or that they bring some in their bag that they can change into.


Water Bottles:

All children need to bring a water bottle to school every day, which will be sent home for washing every night.  Welsh Government guidance dictates that water only is permitted in these bottles.  However, if your child brings a packed lunch to school you may send in a separate bottle with squash, etc to be drunk with their dinner.



All children are encouraged to bring in one piece of fruit that they can eat during break time as a snack.  Please could all grapes be cut in half lengthways as they can be a choking hazard.  Fruit is also available to buy for 30p in the school tuck shop.


Reading Books:

All children will be bringing home a reading book and I would be grateful if you could listen to your child read every night and then complete their reading record.  They will need to bring their reading book and record into school every Monday and Friday, so that they can read to a member of staff and their book will be changed if need be.



A homework grid will be given out every six weeks.  These tasks can be completed in any order and the aim is for one task to be submitted every Friday on HWB or completed in their homework book.  Tasks completed online may be a photo, picture or any document using J2e on HWB.


Welly Wednesday:

Every other Wednesday, we will be going to the orchard and exploring the outdoors.  As it can get very muddy, I would be grateful if you could provide your child with a pair of wellies or an old pair of shoes.  These can be kept in school and it would be helpful if you could label and place them in a bag.


Stationery / Toys:

Children do not need to bring a pencil case / toys / jewellery, etc to school as all stationery items and toys are provided.  Please keep things sent into school to a minimum, as small toys can easily get lost in amongst school equipment.


Parent Pay:

The school uses Parent Pay for school dinners and trips.


I hope you find this information useful and I will keep you updated if there are any changes. 


Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via school or the Class Dojo.


Miss Victoria Lewis



