
Ysgol Y ByneaFirm Foundations, High Standards


Welcome toYsgol Y ByneaFirm Foundations, High Standards

Year 3



Class Teacher

Miss Victoria Lewis


Welcome to our Class page!  Here, you will be able to find useful information and learn about all the fun things we will be doing, both in and outside of the classroom, this term.  I am really excited to share all of our adventures with you!  


Let's get those taste buds ready because our topic this term is...




  • Reading books need to be brought into school every day. Please listen to your child read and talk about what happens in the story. Please complete and sign the reading record daily.
  • Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be learned for a spelling test the following Friday. A quick mental maths activity will be sent home on a Wednesday and will need to be completed by the following Monday.  Times tables will be a priority and will be assessed regularly.
  • Homework will be a grid of learning activities, which will be given out every half term. One activity will need to be completed per week and returned in their homework book or uploaded to HWB every Wednesday.
  • For PE lessons, children will need suitable footwear, a t-shirt and either shorts, joggers or leggings. Please label all clothing items and place them in a bag, which also has their name on. PE kits will be kept in school and returned home every half-term for washing.
  • All children need to bring a water bottle to school every day. Plain water only, in line with Welsh Assembly guidelines.
  • Children are encouraged to bring in one piece of fruit that they can eat during break time. Fruit is also available to buy for 30p in the school tuck shop.
  • All stationery is provided in school, so the children do not need a pencil case, etc.
  • Please label all your child’s belongings - including uniform, bags, fruit pots, water bottles, etc.
  • Remember to use Reading Eggs and RM Easimaths at home to improve language and numeracy skills.

I hope you find this information useful and I will keep you updated if there are any changes.  


Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via school or the Class Dojo.


Miss Victoria Lewis

